Re: With more appearances of "AI" in text, I wonder about /I with crossbars
I think you would have to do both of them separately; the code you have would only work in the middle of a word, right? But the intent is good. I *think* this works, but it has been a while since I n…2 -
Re: External EULA jurisdiction
Typically it would happen if the licensor puts an arbitration clause/requirement in the EULA, and the licensee accepts the EULA.2 -
Re: Ikarus auto italic
I have long relied on Briem’s approach for most normal fonts. It has worked well for me as a starting point, usually gets me very close.3 -
Re: OUP is seeking a Global Fonts Manager
I can’t take the opinion seriously when somebody thinks Minion is not fit for immersive reading, but Times is. It is not that Times is bad, btw. I think it is a great workhorse, and it was a perfectl…6 -
Re: Transforming Typeface Design: Moving Beyond Gutenberg and Roman Traditions
(Ah, I can indeed just edit the post! But for most of the history of this website, they disallowed edits on posts that were more than 4 hours old. Once one has gotten used to the limitation, one stop…1